Nina Hüpen-Bestendonk

Travel Blogger, Photographer

Nina Hüpen-Bestendonk is an award winning travel blogger and bouncy ball world champion based in Berlin. A qualified communications designer, she has been blogging for more than 9 years and started her own travel and photography blog Smaracuja in 2011. She is a founding member of German blogging collective Reiseblogger Kollektiv and has been working as a social media and blogging consultant for major tourism brands and appeared as an expert at ITB Berlin, Social Media Week, German Federation of Journalists DJV, The Social Travel Summit and German TV and Radio stations several times.

Her strong visual work stands out due to her significant eye for details in high quality photography, videography and illustration and her readers appreciate her ability to find and show off beauty in things not classically considered aesthetic. Thus she became the ambassador for “ugly-pretty” photography during a Canon Europe campaign and has been featured and interviewed on the Instagram Blog as the first German mobile photographer.